Monday, October 21, 2019

Tartuffe and Adventure Quest Play Analysis Essay Example

Tartuffe and Adventure Quest Play Analysis Essay Example Tartuffe and Adventure Quest Play Analysis Essay Tartuffe and Adventure Quest Play Analysis Essay Essay Topic: The Importance Of Being Earnest Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Tartuffe and Adventure Quest Play Analysis Question One In the turbulent era of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, deus ex machine was used to establish a controversial thesis. For example, one scene in Adventure Quest shows the audience the heroes being rescued from an awful fate by the king’s agent. The play also uses deus ex machine when it concludes. This is seen in the scene where a passing navy officer rescues the savage children. The author applies this device to inform the audience that the children would have been afflicted with a terrible fate if the officer had not intervened at the right moment. Ultimately, the ending changes the role of the humor in the play. Humor in this case is replaced by deus ex machine with the audience being given a relief through a happy conclusion contrary to what they were expecting. Question Two By summarizing a wit tradition in a unique perspective, the play â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest† does not confine itself to a witty Lord Goring and Lord Darlington. The entire script in this case includes shrewd absurdities and a single voice. This makes it hard to establish characters that are witty deliberately. The often-childish Algy is a wit self-consciously. A contrasting scene comes through Algy’s laconic worker Lane. This contrast brings about the theme of social class in the society. The witty Algy has employed Lane as his manservant and even though Lane has been afforded the privilege of living in the house, their lifestyles are quite different. Question Three ‘The importance of being honest† is an excellent example of a comedy of manners and this is particularly supported by Lady Bracknell’s role and her interview with Jack. Bracknell applies the use of irony to challenge the subversive arm of the system. She fights this system even she is aware that loosing is inevitable. Hence, she uses manners and irony as her weapons in this battle. The dominant class in this society is demonstrated in the interview. This interview reveals social class in this society that ultimately fosters manners. Question Four One monologue with a significant role in the play Tartuffe comes in Act I scene II when Dorian is exceptionally willing to express her sentiments. This scene plays the role of bringing out pace and rhythm. Asides and soliloquies were used frequently. The social and character comedies were based on inventive activity therefore making movement rapid and selective in tempo. The characters in this scene are highly theatric and have clear attitudes. The comic and witty situations have a tendency of rending the characters in this scene humorous and ludicrous event though a serious viewpoint complements the comic facade. Question Five The play â€Å"Tartuffe† uses satire to attack human characteristics and behavior but with a main objective of improving these faults instead of worsening them. In particular, the Tartuffe satirized play mainly shifts its focus on religious hypocrisy. Even though Tartuffe is an obvious antagonist and hypocrite, he also represents the rest of society that preaches religious views but engages in actions contrary to their beliefs and morals. In particular, religious satire in this play comes out through Orgon. On the other hand, the play â€Å"Adventure Quest† bears satire that revolves around a consumerist culture. The society in this play encourages purchase of service and goods in great amounts. Ultimately, this is true since economic order was in full force in the 19th to 20th century.

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